08 November 2011

"Friend Wedding"

Its been a little while since I've blogged on here, just want to apologize to my readers for that. I will try my best to keep up with it from now on. 

Eva & Andy are a beautiful couple that came to me a few months ago to take their family/ engagement pictures. I was able to get to know them a little bit more before they had asked me to shoot their wedding on October 29th, 2011. 

Their chemistry is so breath taking. Taking their pictures made me see that their really is still true love out there for everyone. It is so honoring to be able to capture that in a photo for someone. The laughs, the love, the twinkle in Eva's eye as she said I do on her Wedding day. The chills that ran up my arm, as you saw her tear up as she sighted her vows to him. That is the true love that last forever. 

Congratulations Eva & Andy. I wish you both the best of luck in Alaska!

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