18 November 2011

Got "Senior-itus" ?

Sneak Peek of the Senior Shoot from a week and a half ago... this is only from the studio session part. Unfortuntely, due to the weather we had to reschedule the outdoor session. Which I may add, will be taken on Sunday morning! So be sure to keep an eye out on the following weeks for her sneak peeks! Once her outdoor session is taken, I will post 5-10 images on here that are my favorite from both sessions to let everyone see.

Sarah was such a sweet heart during her studio shoot. She got a little lost trying to get to our location, but luckily I was able to find her.. lol. Lucky for me, I was notified by Sarah, that I was her first official photographer. I thought that was an honor! And I must say, for not having professional pictures taken (except family shots), she was a natural! Take a look for yourself!

Sarah- I am looking forward to your shoot Sunday! It will be so much fun! It may be a little bit cold, but I think with lots of winter coats, tons of accessories... it will be amazing!

Thats all of the update for today.. Stay tuned for what I have to say tomorrow :)

Angel D.

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