22 February 2014

Logan + One Year Portraits

I received an email a few weeks ago from Julia, Logan's mom. She found me on Facebook through a mutual friend, whom I took pictures for. She explained that she had a one year old son, whom she wanted to get pictures of. She was explaining her vision, of a red & white theme, and that he was born on Valentine's Day. When she told me this, I immediately knew I wanted to do this session at Southern Jeweled. If you have never heard of this place, well you truly are missing out. Its a great location for pictures with a bunch of charming vintage setups that the owner does on her own property. I immediately contacted Southern Jeweled and explained what I had in mind and booked the location. However, with the crazy Texas weather we have been having, we had to reschedule this shoot at least two or three times. However, it was meant to be because the weather yesterday was gorgeous. 

When I showed up on location, Julia & Logan were ready to go. She tried telling me that Logan didn't like to sit still and is adventurous. At one years old, I didn't expect anything less. Being a mom of three, I knew exactly how to capture what I needed for Julia. We began on a beautiful turquoise antique couch, which you can see below the very first image taken was Julia getting Logan ready on it. Logan was amazing during the session, he was very much intrigued by everything around him. Take a look for yourself of how this cutie did.
That is all for the sneak peek! Julia, thank you so much for asking me to partake in Logan's One year portraits. He is such a sweetheart. I can not wait for you to see the rest. 

Thank you to all my clients and fans that keep up with my work. You are the ones that keep me doing what I love.

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